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I get Error: Could not find another room.


This game is still pretty fun, been lurking this project at its release and I still like it, The UI is pretty good from its original state, the general writing has definitely improved, I've only noticed really the Angel and Eldritch Horror having unique dialogue, but that can in fact be a skill issue on my part. Any case, keep up the good work, I like the writing and mechanics so far.

Can our character be a pred or Just a pray?

You can eat monsters that you defeat :)

Ok, thanks

Hi, its me again and i word like to ask: is there safe vore or only digestion?

Should we be expecting an update sometime this or next month?

I hope this gets another update sometime, and maybe unbirth and cock vore would be nice.

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The Game Has Been Really Fun Can't Wait To See Where It Goes From Here


When update?

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Both great ideas! I am planning adding different oral variations, as well as absorption and ass vore. Are there others you're interested in?

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Excited to see what comes from this project :)


Yo,  it's been a while, any updates?

Working on update today!


Quite fun! Love the mechanics and different events. My favorite companion is the angel, I wish the sex & vore scenes with the other characters were as descriptive as theirs.

I encountered a bug where after a certain period of time, (dunno how long) I would be unable to enter new rooms and forced to restart. Please fix this soon.

Glad you enjoyed it! Still working on the other characters and adding more detail! Posting an update today actually. I'll look into that bug as well. I have a hunch of what that could be.

Very well built, barely noticed a single flaw on first playthrough aswell my playthroughs following that. 

I expect great results in updates to come.

(1 edit) (+1)

I did enjoy my first playthrough, but I do see there is a lot to do still for it to be a completed game. Let me try to break this down into chunks.

1: Right now, I'm not really seeing any ways to really either win or lose the game, but I can see there can be multiple ways to implement game-ending content. Like, by the time the player/s run out of room tiles, based on the limited combo of Omens that were played before the tiles ran out, a unique monster (Vore Based Monster I would guess) would spawn in their scenario-specific room tile and then purse the players throughout the mansion until all players are either, vored and digested/dead, all remaining players have escaped the mansion or the players have defeated the monster. That is what I would imagine, end-game content for this game would look like.

2: I think having a mansion tile limit of either 50 or 100 would be good enough for a round of play but it would also be good to have more available tiles than the limit to allow for diverse exploration and scenario replay.

3: As I was going through the mansion, there should probably be a limit as to how many omens can be played in one round. It probably should be a rather rare event that is supposed to bring dread (or excitement ๐Ÿ˜) because each Omen brings the monster boss spawn that much closer.

4: While having an abundance of items in the mansion is good, I think an item limit of 4 or 5 for each player is more than enough to add strategic player decisions as to how they want to approach the game, rather than becoming a walking arsenal. Any more items will have to be dropped and left behind in the room. Leaving the possibility for the player to return to it, if they need to swap out, or leave it for another player to collect.

5: For NPC room characters (like the shop lamia lady) I see the little vore interact option is there (and probably the only vore thing I found in the whole game) it's nice, but of course right now it is very inconsequential as getting vored really did nothing. I actually have a rather nice idea for these NPCs. What if each Room NPC Vore Character was like a small instance dungeon? Like, the player chooses to be vored, and rather than just having a small block of texts, the player basically enters a prebuilt dungeon that is reflective of the internal anatomy of that npc character. The player can either choose to let the scenario takes its course with the npc's intentions and allow the character to be brought to the digestion room (whether that be a stomach, womb, mammary, etc - all depends on the type of vore you choose to add) where the player gets digested with a few saving throw chances to avoid death and escape the room, if the player so desires. Alternatively, the player can resist to escape out the entrance with costly rolls or do a full body tour to escape. There should probably be some sort of consequence if the player manages to escape the vore scenario that will allow them to continue the game in a unique way.

6: NPC companions are a nice idea. There should probably be a limit of 1 or 2 companions a player can have at the same time for the whole session. I think this is a good way to add a small RPG element to the game to allow unique dialogue options for each possible companion npc. Dialogue can lead the player to either, romance and be a companion, get rejected and lose out on getting the companion (At least until the player tries again but at a cost), or gets vored by the NPC that could either lead to companionship, rejection or player death. A companion could be a good end-game feature like, if the player gets caught by the boss monster, the monster will instead vore the companion, giving the player another chance to continue the game.

7: I see your main focus is tome make an erotic vore style game with some horror to it. I think this is pretty good but I do want to address some conflicting themes I am seeing. Basically, be careful how you implement horror and erotic together, because, you can have sexy characters and environments with some horror themes attached to them to create pretty spicy and weird fetish opportunities for the player to experience. That's great! If that is the focus, but be careful when bringing in actual horror details. If the environment or character ends up being very disgusting, and unappealing to the player, it may end up turning off the players' vibe and kill the erotic nature that you are trying to bring in. Just be mindful, considering that most of what I played already has very little to do with erotic and more with actual horror.

8: Also, this is an erotic game where the player will most likely want to experience some of the fun negative consequences. So, it probably would be best to give the player options to continue playing instead of restarting the whole game, losing a lot of progress, each time a player has a lustful moment.

Hmm... I think that it about all I can think of at the moment. What do you think?


I really really appreciate your feedback! I love the idea of limiting the number of omens that can be played per round, otherwise, the player gets too powerful pretty quickly.  

I had an idea for having omens to increase the chances of monster encounters, but I also like the idea of having monsters that can chase you.  Currently, monster encounters only occur in a Pokemon battle style, where you choose to use items, attack, give up, or escape. Maybe if you escape, an icon can be placed in that room and they can roam around, as well as chase.

Currently, there's also no benefit in fighting monsters. They don't drop items as there are already a ton of ways to get items. Perhaps having them block your path or chase you is a good way to incentivize fighting when you can. Otherwise, you'd just get overrun by monsters. That can be fun in itself as well.

The board game was played with multiple players, so a lot more could happen in a single round and it'd take a lot longer to explore the house. I think that one of the weaknesses here is that you can explore the house extremely quickly, but I think omens can help with that, as the more omens there are, the closer the endgame should be.

I love the idea of limiting items, gives the player more choices and hard decisions. I do plan on some items/omens having consequences if stolen/dropped. Currently, omens give you buffs when you have them, but they should debuff when dropped. Easy way to handle that would be if you have too many items, you're too heavy to walk.

I love the idea of mini-dungeons! I definitely want to give the player more choices with vore interactions. I also want to give the option to offer companions rather than themselves, sort of functioning as a saving throw or an extra life if they want it. Currently, the only vore options are losing a battle or giving up. Having the player continue is a great idea. They can technically go back in time, but that's not very intuitive. Perhaps it could be part of the world somehow, like part of the mansion's curse makes you relive that night. Or maybe it's like you're another person... you find a monster with a massive gut and the items that they had. 

Currently, some monsters only appear when you fail a roll on certain events. Considering that they are one of the core interactions, that probably needs to change, especially if players are trying to find certain monsters. Almost everything is random in the game, which does make it difficult to strategize.  Maybe it'd make sense if some monsters only appeared on certain floors, adding more variety. Demons appearing in the crypt and pentagram rooms, zombie girls in the graveyard, archangels in the chapel... that kind of thing.

I agree with you on conflicting themes, and I feel that is a big issue currently. Part of this project was seeing if I could implement one of my favorite games in a unique way, and a lot of the theme in the original is heavily gross horror. Some of it works well! Walls made of flesh, slime, spiders, wolfs, etc... can easily be made erotic. Other elements... not so much (blood, madman, creepy puppets, creepy girls, gore, etc..). Having items that can be used for erotic purposes is one thing I want to add. It's definitely a hard balance, as I think some vore scenarios can be fun horror, such as a wolf or snake that simply doesn't care, while others could be more nuanced, like lamias, demons, slimes, etc...

I think one of the big steps I have to do now is make this into its own coherent game.  I think the mechanics of the game show promise and just need some tweaking, and making it feel like one theme rather than two will be a big focus.

Again I really appreciate the feedback. It's really easy to focus on coding a game and testing it so many times that you're no longer sure if it's fun or not.

By the way, during your playthrough, did you run into any bugs?

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Um, I think I got a room where Spiders crawled over me, then I made a roll where my character blinked and all the spiders are gone. No consequences. If I remember correctly.

Edit: Lol, literally just launched the game again and the first room I walk into is the conservatory where bugs crawl on me. I shake them off and lose 1 sanity. Why do you ask about the bugs?

Edit2: or are you asking bugs in code? If so, the only thing I run into is an unknown error, where I try to walk into an unknown space when all the tiles are used up. 

Edit3: Actual, I do remember a weird bug with Omens in the late game. Sometimes, an Omen will activate, blocking my ability to leave, but when the Omen finishes, the way to leave is still blocked. But I find that if I mess around with my items and omens in my inventory, activating various items, eventualy the way unblocks. I don't quite know what is up with that.


Yeah bugs in code. I'll check the omens I have a guess what that might be.  Blocking is kind of complicated, as I basically store a list of entities blocking the door and remove them from the list when that entity is satisfied. Unfortunately, there are weird cases where an event can make you move to a different room, but the doors are still blocked because the original room had a block that wasn't satisfied, which now you can't complete. unblocking everything if a player is forced to move would probably do the trick.



It has promise, I definitely look forward to seeing more. 

Thank you! I'm pretty happy with it so far ๐Ÿ˜Š. If you have any suggestions let me know! I have a good list of things i want to add to make it richer and more fun, but i think the core gameplay is there.


Well I can think of a couple things, the first one that comes to mind is a possibilty of "extended" ending content when you lose/give up. Possibly with an item that instead of doing anything useful to you gameplay wise makes it so you survive longer inside a stomach.

Another concept I would love is some willing content (aside from the Eerie Shopkeeper) since Give Up really just makes it so you stop fighting back rather than really being willing prey. 

That and I'd love to see if you have anything in mind for "Haunt" scenarios, I'd love to see some antagonistic critters, possibly even some that are even relatively friendly (but will gleefully eat you if you fuck up or just let them)


I do plan on adding more content to endgames since that's probably what most people will want to experience! I like the idea of having a mini-dungeon of the pred's insides. That is most likely what I'll do. Good point on willing content. I do plan on expanding the use of companions, possibly using them to feed enemies as a way to escape, feeding yourself to them, or eating them for health regen. The shop is the only friendly NPC that just exists in the rooms, but I do plan on that not being the case.

Regarding haunts, my goal is to have omens increase the chances that you'll encounter monsters, which will basically act as the haunt. I like the idea of the monsters being able to chase the player, with events and other interactions essentially slowing you down. A higher speed stat will make monsters move toward you at a slower rate. I could make certain monsters only spawn with a certain number of omens, giving me a way to add more difficulty and reducing the chances of someone starting a game and just getting one-shot by something. Because the dice are zero-based, it's always possible to be obliterated at any point. Companions could help with that, functioning as saving throws.

Different monsters could have different abilities, like a random chance to teleport, add some global debuff, rearrange rooms, or spawn mini-enemies for you to fight. I can imagine a friendly monster, maybe one that likes to play games, but if you lose, they eat you. Maybe have ones that give you time constraints: Find x item in x amount of passages or I'll come to find you and eat you.

Currently, fighting allows you to attack (might), run (speed), or give up. I think it'd be fun to have an action for each stat, something like:

Attack (might roll): this would also apply to defending. Some monsters fight with sanity.

Run (speed roll): if you run away, they still stay on the map and can chase you.

Flirt (knowledge roll): leads to them being friendly to you, allowing you to feed them, eat them, or even have sex perhaps? Would only apply to sentient monsters, although it would be funny for a player to try to flirt with a plant monster or something like that.

Beg (sanity roll): Less confident on this one... basically, begging for them not to eat you. could add to the unwilling experience. If you succeed then they become friendly. Obviously wouldn't work for monsters like Wolfs.

Another change I want to make is have restarting be less of losing progress. Most likely will be as if you are a new person, allowing you to pick up your previous self's stuff. Gives opportunities for monsters to have more than one meal, which I think could be really fun.